Electronic Filing
Electronic filing ("e-filing") is available for all case types. e-Filing is mandatory for attorneys. Santa Cruz Superior Court’s local rule regarding e-filing is posted on our Local Rules page, see rule 1.3. This rule includes a list of filings which are exempt from mandatory e-filing.
Self-Represented Litigants are encouraged to use e-filing but are not required. Use our Quick E-Filing Guide and How to e-File documents linked at the bottom to get started. Filings from Self-Represented Litigants may be submitted by mail or in person at the clerk’s windows during regular business hours.
Getting Started:
The first step in e-filing is to select a service provider. You will find a list of e-filing Service Providers (EFSP). The EFSP acts as an intermediary between you and the court’s case management system.
When reviewing the list of EFSP’s keep in mind that most offer do-it-yourself and concierge services for filing. Additionally, the service fees charged vary by EFSP and each offer e-filing support (users must establish a “waiver” account to avoid fees for criminal filings). When deciding on your EFSP look at the level of filing support offered to see if it fits your needs.
Once you pick the e-filing Service Provider (EFSP) you would like to use for e-filing you will be able to go through their tutorial on how to e-file.
If you have e-filed with another court, you do not need to re-register or pick a new provider (as long as your provider is on the list).
If you decide to change service providers, you do not need to re-register. You will be able to use your login information with the new provider.
If you have technical issues with filing, please contact the EFSP for assistance.
Please read through the linked FAQ below.
Small Claims
You can easily start small claims cases online with Odyssey Guide & File. Simply complete the interview, generate forms and submit the forms either electronically, at the counter, or via mail.
Once you have opened your small claims case, if you have additional documents to file, these must be submitted through an e-filing Service Provider (EFSP) as explained above. You cannot do this through Odyssey Guide & File. However, you don't need to register with the EFSP, your Odyssey Guide & File login information will work with any of the listed EFSPs.
Restraining Orders:
All restraining orders including Domestic Violence and Gun Violence Restraining Orders may be filed electronically. You must register with an e-filing provider found here . Your forms need to be in pdf format to upload into the e-filing system. Instructions on how to e-file are below under Resources.
E-filing a Domestic Violence Restraining Order is at no cost to you. Make sure to follow the instructions for setting up and selecting a Waiver Account. This will tell the system not to charge a fee for the e-filing process. Information on how to do this is found in the instructions on how to e-file.
You may use Odyssey Guide & File to complete an online interview that will help prepare restraining order forms. See our File @ Home page to get started. You are not able to electronically file directly through this program.
See the Restraining Order page on how to get assistance if you are representing yourself and for more information on how restraining orders are processed.
After Submitting:
Once you submit your documents through e-file you should receive a confirmation email from the Court that your submission was received. A clerk will then review your forms. After review, you will receive an email accepting or rejecting your submission. The email accepting your submission will have a link to download a file-stamped copy of your document. Documents are also accessible by logging into the e-filing service provider's site.
Don't forget that you need to have a copy of your documents served on the other party in accordance with the California Code of Civil Procedure. If you need help understanding service contact the Self Help Center.
Other Things to Know:
Electronic submission of a proposed order should only include a pdf version of the proposed order. An EFS-020 Proposed Order (Cover Sheet) is not required. If including the EFS-020, submit it as a separate pdf. Do not combine it with the proposed order.
- Odyssey eFileCA Overview Bar Presentation (March 9, 2016)
- Frequently asked questions (January 14, 2025)
- Instructions for e-filing in criminal cases (September 13, 2022)
- Quick e-File Guide (July 7, 2020)
- How to e-File (February 14, 2024)
After reviewing the materials posted on this site if you still have questions about Santa Cruz Superior Court e-filing please contact Florence Patten, Director of Court Operations at florence.patten@santacruzcourt.org