Records & Information
California Rules of Court provide the public with reasonable access to court records for viewing and copying. Court records are presumed to be open, unless they are considered confidential by statute or are sealed by a judge. Access to confidential cases is limited to parties to that case and government issued picture identification must be shown.
The easiest way to find a court record is with the case number. If you do not have the case number, you will need to know the parties’ names and approximate year the case was filed. For cases opened after June 1985, you may search the Santa Cruz Court Portal online to find the case number. For cases opened prior to June 1985, a search will need to be done through the microfiche in person. If you are requesting staff search for the case number, a fee for searching will be charged.
Please note: The Court does not confirm personal information about a party's identity over the phone or by email unless there is a Court business need to do so to assist a party, a party's attorney, a party's designee, or a justice parter agency. Personal information includes details such as date of birth, last four digits of a Social Security Number, address, or driver's license number. Individuals seeking personal information about a party may visit the courthouse to look up information on a court provided computer or submit a Research and Copy Request Form.
Record Clearance
Certificate of Rehabilitation for the State of California
A Certificate of Rehabilitation (COR) is a court order declaring a person convicted of a crime is now rehabilitated. It is generally the second step in cleaning up a record for those who were convicted of felonies but had the case dismissed/expunged or the first step for those who were convicted of felonies that are not eligible for another remedy. People convicted of a limited number of misdemeanor sex offenses may also apply for a COR. Note: getting a COR does not seal or remove anything from your record but it may help with applying for work, housing, and professional licenses.
As a general rule, if you were convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanor sex crimes you may apply to the Superior Court in the county where you live for a COR, provided you meet the legal requirements of demonstrated rehabilitation.
A COR, if granted, automatically becomes an application for a Governor’s Pardon. The Governor’s receipt of a COR is not a guarantee that a pardon will be granted.
Governor's Pardon
A pardon is a declaration by the governor that recognizes the efforts of the applicant to return to the status of exemplary, law abiding, productive citizen and restores to the applicant some of the rights of citizenship forfeited as a result of a conviction. It is the last step in cleaning up a criminal record. A pardon does not make your record disappear, but it is the best criminal record relief you can get in California to show you have been rehabilitated.
Pardons are very rarely granted. Applicants must demonstrate exemplary behavior following a conviction to be considered. Generally, you must be off probation or parole for at least 10 years with no further criminal activity to be considered.
If you are eligible for a COR, you should apply for the COR before applying for a pardon. If you are ineligible for a COR, you may apply directly for a pardon.
Additional Information
Documents that are filed into a specific case can be viewed and copied as outlined below.
Online Access:
Currently, public online access to documents electronically filed (or scanned) within a case are only available to be viewed in civil cases. This does not include restraining orders, petitions for compromise of minor or disabled adult, probate, or family law. The attorney of record for a party in the case can view documents in additional case types by logging in through their portal account.
In-person Access:
Documents filed into a case are available for viewing at the clerk’s office. You must go to the specific location where your case type is handled to view documents.
Santa Cruz location:
- Civil
- Probate
- Appeals
- Criminal
- Traffic
Watsonville location:
- Family Law
- Small Claims
If it is a current case, or the records have been scanned you should be able to view the file that day. If it is an older case, it may need to be retrieved from storage. Records needing to be retrieved from storage cannot be viewed the same day they are requested.
Older Records:
To request an older file you will need to fill out the Research and Copy Request form and pay the fee to retrieve the file (See the fee schedule under Copying Court Records). The Clerk’s Office will give you the estimated time it will take to retrieve the file from storage. You will be contacted by phone at the number you provide when the file is ready to be viewed.
Copies of court records may be requested from the appropriate Clerk’s Office. These requests can be made in-person or by mail. You may request the copies be held for pickup, mailed to you, or emailed to you. Specific instructions for requesting a particular type of record are outlined below. Please note that if you are requesting a certified copy of a court document, it cannot be sent via email.
If you are requesting copies of a small number of pages from a recent case, we may be able to fulfill your request while you wait. If we are unable to do so, the standard turnaround time is 3 weeks. Please plan accordingly.
Fees Applicable to Viewing and Copying Records
Description | Cost |
Search Fee (records searches exceeding 10 minutes): | $15.00 per search |
Photocopy Fee: | $0.50 per page |
Certification Fee (does not include copy fee): | $40.00 per document |
Comparison Certification Fee: | $1.00 per page + Certification Fee |
Exemplified Copies: |
$50.00 |
Criminal Standard Packet (Complaint, Plea & Disposition): | $47.00 (includes copies, certification, and postage) |
Certified Copy of Dissolution (Divorce): |
$15.00 + Copy Fee |
Postage and Handling: | See Research and Copy Request Form |
Effective July 1, 2015, public (governmental) agencies will be charged photocopy fees, along with other applicable fees, on all copy requests. See the Court's notice regarding charging public agencies for copy fees.
Fill out the Research and Copy Request Form. Submit the completed form to the Civil Division, Room 110. You can do this in-person or by mail.
Online: In civil cases (does not include family law or probate), non-certified copies of documents may be downloaded by accessing the case through the court's online Portal. This does not include restraining orders or petitions for compromise of a minor or disabled adult. If you need certified copies of a document, you must request them in-person or by mail.
- In-person: Bring the form to the Clerk's Office, Room 110 in the Santa Cruz Courthouse at 701 Ocean St, Santa Cruz during our open hours. If it is a request we can process while you wait, you may pay any applicable fees by cash, credit card or check. Otherwise, payment is to be made by check made out to Santa Cruz Superior Court with not to exceed $75.00 written in the memo line. SEE EXAMPLE, or you can pay by credit card using the One-Time Credit Card Payment Authorization found on page 3 of the Research and Copy Request Form. If you would like the copies mailed to you, please bring a self-addressed stamped envelope (Postage calculation is found on page 2 of the Research and Copy Request Form).
- By mail: Mail the completed form to Santa Cruz County Superior Court, ATTN: Civil Division Records Requests 701 Ocean Street, Room 110 Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Include a check made out to Santa Cruz Superior Court with not to exceed $75.00 written in the memo line. SEE EXAMPLE, or you can pay by credit card using the One-Time Credit Card Payment Authorization found on page 3 of the Research and Copy Request Form. Also include a self-addressed stamped envelope (postage calculation is found on Page 2 of the Research and Copy Request Form) if you are asking for the copies to be sent to you by mail.
For questions regarding civil, probate and appeal records please contact
Completed requests will be held for pick up, mailed to you in the envelope you provide, or emailed to you at the email address you provide.
*Certified Copies can only be mailed or picked up in person.
Fill out the Research and Copy Request Form.
Please Note: Some criminal cases are sealed. These sealed cases can only be released to the person whose case it is. If you are requesting copies of your own criminal cases or that a criminal record search be done in your name, please include a copy of your photo ID when submitting your form to verify your identity. This will help us make sure you get the most accurate information.
Submit the completed form to the Criminal Division, Room 120. You can do this in-person or by mail.
- In-person: Bring the form to the Clerk's Office, Room 120 in the Santa Cruz Courthouse at 701 Ocean St, Santa Cruz during our open hours. If it is a request we can process while you wait, you may pay any applicable fees by cash, credit card or check. Otherwise, payment is to be made by check made out to Santa Cruz Superior Court with not to exceed $75.00 written in the memo line. SEE EXAMPLE, or you can pay by credit card using the One-Time Credit Card Payment Authorization found on page 3 of the Research and Copy Request Form. If you would like the copies mailed to you, please bring a self-addressed stamped envelope (Postage calculation is found on page 2 of the Research and Copy Request Form).
- By mail: Mail the completed form to Santa Cruz County Superior Court, ATTN: Criminal Division Records Request 701 Ocean Street, Room 120 Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Include a check made out to Santa Cruz Superior Court with not to exceed $75.00 written in the memo line. SEE EXAMPLE, or you can pay by credit card using the One-Time Credit Card Payment Authorization found on page 3 of the Research and Copy Request Form. Also include a self-addressed stamped envelope (postage calculation is found on Page 2 of the Research and Copy Request Form).
For questions regarding criminal and traffic records please contact
Completed requests will be held for pickup, mailed to you in the envelope you provide, or emailed to you at the email address you provide.
*Certified Copies can only be mailed or picked up in person.
Fill out the Research and Copy Request Form.
Submit the completed form to the Records Division. You can do this in-person or by mail.
- In-person: Bring the form to the Clerk's Office, Room 300 in the Watsonville Courthouse located at 1 Second St, Watsonville, or to the Clerk's Office, Room 110 in the Santa Cruz Courthouse at 701 Ocean St, Santa Cruz during our open hours. If it is a request we can process while you wait, you may pay any applicable fees by cash, credit card or check. Otherwise, payment is to be made by check made out to Santa Cruz Superior Court with not to exceed $75.00 written in the memo line. SEE EXAMPLE, or you can pay by credit card using the One-Time Credit Card Payment Authorization found on page 3 of the Research and Copy Request Form. If you would like the copies mailed to you, please bring a self-addressed stamped envelope (Postage calculation is found on page 2 of the Research and Copy Request Form).
- By mail: Mail the completed form to Santa Cruz County Superior Court, Records Division 701 Ocean Street, Room 110 Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Include a check made out to Santa Cruz Superior Court with not to exceed $75.00 written in the memo line. SEE EXAMPLE, or you can pay by credit card using the One-Time Credit Card Payment Authorization found on page 3 of the Research and Copy Request Form. Also include a self-addressed stamped envelope (postage calculation is found on Page 2 of the Research and Copy Request Form).
For questions regarding family law records please contact
Completed requests will be held for pickup at the Santa Cruz Courthouse in Room 110, mailed to you in the envelope you provide, or emailed to you at the email address you provide.
*Certified Copies can only be mailed or picked up in person.
** Paternity cases are confidential and only the parties involved in the case can have access to the file. If you are unable to come in person to view the file due to a disability or you are now living out of the area, then you may submit your request in writing using the Research and Copy Request Form with a photocopy of your driver’s license or other valid state issued photo identification.
***Adoption record requests made by anyone other than an adopting parent must be made using our local form, Petition for Authorization to Inspect Adoption and Birth Record Information and to Obtain Copies, and require a judge’s approval.
Fill out the Research and Copy Request Form.
Submit the completed form to the Small Claims Division, Room 300. You can do this in-person or by mail.
- In-person: Bring the form to the Clerk's Office, Room 300 in the Watsonville Courthouse located at 1 Second St, Watsonville during our open hours. If it is a request we can process while you wait, you may pay any applicable fees by cash, credit card or check. Otherwise, payment is to be made by check made out to Santa Cruz Superior Court with not to exceed $75.00 written in the memo line. SEE EXAMPLE, or you can pay by credit card using the One-Time Credit Card Payment Authorization found on page 3 of the Research and Copy Request Form. If you would like the copies mailed to you, please bring a self-addressed stamped envelope (postage calculation is found on Page 2 of the Research and Copy Request Form).
- By mail: Mail the completed form to Santa Cruz County Superior Court, Small Claims Division Records Request 1 Second Street, Room 300 Watsonville, CA 95076. Include a check made out to Santa Cruz Superior Court with not to exceed $75.00 written in the memo line. SEE EXAMPLE, or you can pay by credit card using the One-Time Credit Card Payment Authorization found on page 3 of the Research and Copy Request Form. Also include a self-addressed stamped envelope (postage calculation is found on Page 2 of the Research and Copy Request Form).
For questions regarding small claims records please contact
Completed requests will be held for pickup, mailed to you in the envelope you provide, or emailed to you at the email address you provide.
*Certified Copies can only be mailed or picked up in person.
California Rules of Court specify conditions under which the public may be granted access to judicial administrative records. These types of records are administrative in nature and do not include records related to cases or court proceedings.
Effective January 1, 2010, Rule 10.500 of the California Rules of Court sets forth comprehensive public access provisions applicable to judicial administrative records maintained by state trial and appellate courts, and the Judicial Council.
Please direct requests for access to judicial administrative records to:
Superior Court of California
County of Santa Cruz
Public Information Request
701 Ocean Street, Room 110
Santa Cruz, California 95060
The Superior Court will make identifiable judicial administrative records available upon request, unless the records are exempt from disclosure under Rule 10.500. Records may be subject to the payment of a fee (see Fee Guidelines and subdivision (e)(4) of Rule 10.500).
Requests for electronic audio recordings of court proceedings
Electronic recording is used in civil limited, misdemeanor, and traffic cases. This is an audio transcript of the court proceedings that is a verbatim record of everything said by the judge, attorneys, witnesses, and others during a court hearing or trial.
To request an electronic recording of a proceeding, please use the Court’s request form. Completed forms may be emailed to or dropped off in Room 110 at the Santa Cruz Courthouse.
General processing time may take up to 7 business days for each request.
Fees are $20 for the first hearing; $5 for each additional hearing date. Payment is required to be submitted with the request. Once the request is complete and payment has been processed, you will be emailed a link to download and access the audio of the requested court proceedings.
You may contact the court records division at 831-420-2330 if you have any questions.
Requests for electronic recording of court proceedings to be transcribed
A written transcript from the electronic recording of court proceedings is a verbatim record of everything said by the judge, attorneys, witnesses, and others during a court hearing or trial.
Following Local Rule 10.1.06, a request to transcribe an electronic recording shall be arranged directly with the transcriber, eScribers, authorized by the Court. Once your audio recording has been delivered, transcription can be arranged by uploading the file at eScribers - Legal Transcription When uploading, please select Santa Cruz Superior Court from the drop-down menu on item 2 Assignment Description.
You may contact the court records division at 831-420-2330 if you have any questions.
Requests for court reporter transcripts:
Court reporters are only provided by the Court in the following types of cases:
- Felony cases,
- Juvenile Dependency and Delinquency,
- Freedom from Control,
- Contested LPS Conservatorships,
- Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) contested contempt matters.
If a hearing or trial was reported by a court reporter, that court reporter is responsible for preparing the transcript of the hearing as required by law or upon request. Except for those transcripts prepared for the court for certain criminal matters, all other parties requesting transcripts are required to pay reporters for the preparation of transcripts at the rate prescribed by law.
You must contact the court reporter directly to obtain a copy of the transcript. For court reporters provided by the Court, contact the court reporter responsible for preparing the transcript. If you hired your own court reporter, contact that individual directly. The name of the official reporter is included on the court minute order. (In the state of California, a reporter’s transcript is the property of each individual court reporter. The Court cannot supply a copy of the transcript, so requests must be made with the reporter.) The following is a listing of the court reporters provided by the Court as required by law and their desk phone number:
- Heather Roseman – 831-420-2382 -
- Jennie Quesada - 831-420-2405 -
- Frances Lenart - 831-420-2403 -
- Jacquelyn Sugihara - 831-420-2432